Permitted Hirer Application and Indemnity
General Terms
1. Aberdeen Boat Club has a variety of craft for hire to club members. To be entitled to hire a club dinghy, windsurfer or paddle board, the member must first have their name on the Club list of Permitted Hirers (PH).
2. To be placed on the List of Permitted Hirers, an applicant shall:
- Have passed an appropriate ABC course, or
- Successfully demonstrated his abilities with the relevant craft to the Club, and / or
- Be able to show significant sailing experience in the particular type of boat
(a proficiency test may still be required)
3. Having satisfied (2), the applicant shall then sign and return the Permitted Hirer Application Form, and have it countersigned by either a member designated by the Sailing & Marine Committee, the Marine Operations Manager, MI Sports and Recreation Manager or the Chief Instructor. (The Chairman of the Sailing & Marine Committee may instruct that a member be deleted from the List of Permitted Hirers.)
4. Note, members or member’s children who successfully complete a sailing course at ABC are not automatically added to the list of permitted hirers; an application form still needs to be completed and submitted.
5. Applicants are advised to apply in advance because the list is not updated immediately; usually the list is updated on a monthly basis. If members wish to hire a club boat immediately after completing a course and filling in the Permitted Hiring application form, they should contact the Watersports Training Manager or MI Sports and Recreation Manager, in person, so that individual arrangements can be made.
6. While the club wishes to facilitate Dinghy sailing and hiring by members, the list of Permitted Hirers is part of a very important safety process and should be complied with.
7. Kayaks may be hired for a 3hr/session and a maximum of three kayaks booked per member account at one time. It is advised to book at least 24hrs in advance for weekdays (to ensure staff availability). They are available on a first come first served basis on weekends/public holidays. They may only be rehired if other members are not waiting to use them. The permitted Kayak area is within sight of the ABC Clubhouse at all times (Area 1). Those who go beyond this area without permission could be suspended from future hiring. Other hiring rules apply including the minimum age of 10yrs old and those who are 10yrs old must be supervised by an adult.
8. At any time and in the interest of safety ABC staff may restrict the permitted sailing/paddle area or stop a hire session completely. There will be no hire available during a Typhoon signal number 3 or higher, red/black rainstorm signal. Hiring may be limited or suspended during a thunderstorm or strong monsoon signal. Hirers are strongly advised to take a mobile phone (in a waterproof bag) with them and leave the contact number and expected return time with staff at Middle Island.
By signing this application form a Permitted Hirer (PH) indemnifies the Club, its officers, staff and committee members against any action arising from any damage, injury or death and agrees that his hire of a dinghy is made on the following conditions:
1. The PH takes full responsibility for the craft and crew, and acknowledges that the responsibility for a decision to participate or to continue to participate in sailing or paddling is his alone.
2. Agrees that any damage or loss not due to fair wear and tear will be at the PH’s expense.
3. Understands that although the Club will endeavour whenever possible to provide supervision with a Safety Boat on duty, this is not guaranteed. Usually sailing/marine staff will be on duty but the PH must understand that with a large sailing area to patrol, or a number of boats to supervise, immediate assistance may not always be available. During weekdays especially, Sailing/Marine Staff may not be on duty at Middle Island.
4. The PH recognizes that there can be some risk associated with water sports activities, and therefore before taking a craft out will:
- Satisfy themselves that they are competent to sail or paddle in the weather conditions which may be encountered.
- Carefully check the dinghy or board and all gear to ensure everything is in working order.
- If sailing or paddling when no other ABC boats or boards are around, note the intended sailing area and expected time of return on the Dinghy Hire form at Middle Island and INFORM marine staff the same information.
5. The PH shall ensure that at all times when the dinghy or board is in use everyone on board is physically fit, competent at swimming and wears an appropriately sized buoyancy aid or life jacket (ABC provides buoyancy aids but the PH must check the condition before use and note that they should be kept fastened up at all times while on the water. Buoyancy aids should be a good fit and not too large).
6. Hirers of Stand Up Paddle Boards are reminded that at all times a safety leash must be worn that attaches the paddler to the board. In addition, a Buoyancy Aid or personal PFD must also be worn at all times whilst paddling. The hirer of a paddle board should take with them a whistle and a mobile phone in a waterproof case, and be aware of the recommendation to always paddle upwind first.
7. The dinghy or board must be treated with care, for instance it is lifted rather than pulled onto a beach and is not dragged up the ramp without a trolley (note only Picos, Fevas and Paddle Boards are allowed on a beach). Paddle Boards should be carried not dragged across the slipway.
8. Only Children 10 years or older will be accepted onto the list of Approved Hirers. Those who are 10years old must be supervised by an adult or guardian.
9. Children of 11 years old and younger are required, whenever sailing, to wear a helmet (which is provided by the Club) at all times
10. Club Dinghies must not be taken out or if already out, must return to Middle Island in the event of any of the following: the No.3 or higher Typhoon Signal is hoisted; a Black or Red Rainstorm signal is issued; a localized thunderstorm is taking place; when directed by any of the Club’s marine staff to do so, or when breakage, damage, or loss occurs.
11. PH’s are to ensure that craft are returned and gear stowed away by 4.45pm. Overtime incurred due to the late return of craft will be charged to the member’s account.
12. PH’s shall read any additional Dinghy Advisory Notes displayed at Middle Island or the Club.
13. Booking of craft may be made via the website www.abcmiddleisland.com. Once a booking is made the member’s account will be debited whether the dinghy is used or not. Dinghy Hire Forms are kept at Middle Island and must be completed before going on the water.
14. From time to time various dinghies will be reserved for events such as training courses and regattas
15. Current Hire charges may be found on the ABC website (under Dinghy / Dinghy Hire)
Sailing / Paddling Permitted Areas:
1. For Dinghies and Windsurfers, the craft is not taken South of a line from the Ocean Park Headland (Brick Hill) to Round Island and Chung Hom Kok, unless taking part in Club organized events; (shown on the Permitted Sailing Area Map)
2. For Stand Up Paddle Boards, the user will remain in Area 1, in sight of the ABC Middle Island Clubhouse, unless informing on duty Marine Staff of their intention to paddle outside Middle Island, Area 2, shown in the map below. This should be noted on the hire form.
3. Sailing Areas might be restricted due to the weather conditions or safety support available. Please confirm while checking out the craft which areas are open.